Tuesday, August 10, 2010

But what about his socialization?!

I have already been asked this. Here is my answer. First, we go to worship 3 times a week. He is in Bible class twice a week with boys and girls his age. What better people to "socialize" with than these kids?! Second, I plan on taking him to the library for Storytime once a week. It is about an hour of singing and a story with other little children ages 3-6. Third, we don't stay at home 24/7! We aren't hermits! Socialization takes place at the grocery store, when we visit friends, at the post office, with family; the real life situations are endless! In the coming years, I'll see if he wants to do Mighty Mite Football or t-ball.


  1. I have always found the socialization question curious. Our society assumes a child being in a classroom with 20 other children within a year of their own age and expected to perform is a normal situation. I have found no other time in a persons life this situation is replicated, so why is that assumed a good form of socialization? Seems to me that being with your family and doing the daily things a family does creates a vastly larger social base than what the public or private school offers. It also enables the child to learn these skills from their parents and siblings instead of other kids in the same developmental stage as themselves. I prefer to look to the Creator for His take on socialization. Proverbs 22:15a "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child;" I want my children to learn from the wise not the foolish.

  2. Wow! Well, said! You are my mentor, Karen! I've only recently come to the realization of what homeschooling can offer! I think what draws me the most towards homeschooling is what you said in your last sentence. Learn from the wise, not the foolish.
