Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sunday Morning Bible Class Schedule (tentative)

On Sunday mornings, I teach a Bible class for 4 little boys ages approx 3-8 years old. This is at the congregation where my husband preaches. On Wednesday nights we are at our home congregation, and as of late, I'm either in cradle roll, 2s and 3s, or the 4s and 5s at that location. When homeschooling, you have to get organized. And I don't want to use the excuse that I'm burnt out or too busy to teach Bible class. Yes, it would be nice to have at least one quarter off a year, but sometimes I guess that is not possible without more volunteers. So I've been trying to type out lesson plans or at least take a few notes on a sheet of paper and file my lesson plans for future, easy reference. I tried to work out a way to go through the Bible in 2 years with my Sunday morning class, but it is simply impossible to do so because there are so many good lessons that I can't decide what to leave out! If I had Sunday morning and the Wednesday night class together at the same congregation, it would be easier to keep the flow and do this, but I'm basically looking at 52 lessons a year minus the 5th Sundays (when my husband is off and we go to our home congregation). So I typed up the topics I'd like to choose from in somewhat sequencial order. When I get myself more organized, or figure out how, I'll try to link the lesson plans. But at least having this list, keeps me knowing whats next and what is coming up. Right now, we are on Wanderings - The Tabernacle.

The Beginning
Creation - Day 1, 2

Creation - Day 3

Creation - Day 4

Creation - Day 5

Creation - Day 6, 7

Adam & Eve Sin 

Cain & Abel


Noah - Righteous, Obeyed

Noah - Entered Ark, Flood

Noah - Dove, Altar, Rainbow

The Tower of Babel

The Promise

Abraham - The Promise

Abraham - Sodom & Gommorah 

Abraham - Sarah Laughs

Abraham - Isaac as a Sacrifice

Isaac - Rebekah becomes Isaac's wife 

Esau Sells Birthright

Jacob Tricks Isaac for Blessing

Jacob's Ladder Dream

Jacob Marries Leah, Works for Rachel

Joseph - Joseph's Coat and Dreams

Joseph - Brother's Sell Joseph

Joseph - Potiphar's Wife

Joseph - The Cupbearer and Baker

Joseph - Pharaoh's Dreams

Joseph - Famine Preparations, Brothers go to Egypt

Joseph - Eating at Joseph's House, Cup in Benjamin's Sack
Joseph - Joseph Forgives, Family moves to Egypt


Moses - Israelites are slaves, Moses in Basket

Moses - Moses Grows Up in Palace, Flees for Midian
Moses - The Burning Bush

Moses - Moses Speaks to Pharaoh, Rods to Snakes

Plague 1, 2 - Water into Blood, Frogs

Plague 3, 4 - Lice, Flies

Plague 5, 6 - Disease, Boils

Plague 7 - Hail

Plague 8, 9 - Locusts, Darkness 

Plague 10 - The Passover

The Exodus

Crossing the Red Sea

Wanderings & Conquest

Wanderings - Quail & Manna from Heaven

Wanderings - Water from the Rock

Wanderings - The Ten Commandments 1-5

Wanderings - The Ten Commandments 6-10

Wanderings - The Tabernacle

Wanderings - The Serpent on a Staff

Baalam - Donkey Speaks

Joshua - crossing the Jordan
Joshua - Twelve Spies

Joshua - Destruction of Jericho


Gideon - The Fleece

Gideon  - The 300 

Samson - His Strength

Samson - Defeat & Victory

Samuel - Hannah Prays, sent to Eli

Samuel - God Speaks to Samuel



Saul - Chosen as King and Disobeys

David - As a shepherd, fights Goliath

David - Friends with Jonathan

David - Becomes King

David - The Psalms

Solomon - Builds Temple, Wise

Solomon - Overview of Proverbs


Elijah - The Ravens

Elijah  - The Widow

Elijah - The Altar

Elijah - The Chariot

Elisha - Naaman Washes in the Jordan

Jonah - Swallowed by Great Fish

Daniel - And Friends Eat the Right Food

Daniel - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Daniel - Friends in Fiery Furnace

Daniel - Nebuchadnezzar's Pride

Daniel - The Writing on the Wall

Daniel - The Lion's Den


Christ's Life and Teachings

Christ - Angel Visits Mary

Christ - John the Baptist's birth

Christ - Jesus is Born

Christ - John the Baptist's ministry

Christ - Jesus Grows Up

Christ - Jesus Visits Temple

Christ - Jesus is Baptized

Christ - Jesus is Tempted

Christ - Chooses Apostles

Christ - Zacchaeus

Christ - Jesus Blesses the Little Children

Christ - Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes

Christ - Nicodemus

Christ - Jesus Visits Mary & Martha

Christ - The Rich Young Ruler

Christ - The Woman at the Well

Christ - The Transfiguration

Christ - Faith as a Mustard Seed

Christ - The Lost Coin

Christ - The Lost Sheep

Christ - The Lost Son

Christ - The Good Samaritan

Christ - The Sower

Christ - The Ten Virgins

Christ - The Talents

Christ - Vineyard 

Christ - Rich Man and Lazarus

Christ - The Wiseman and Foolish Man

Christ - Turns Water into Wine 

Christ - The Ten Lepers

Christ - Feeds 5,000

Christ - Spirit Cast into Swine

Christ - Heals Paralytic (Through the Roof)

Christ - Walks On Water

Christ - Calms the Storm

Christ - Heals Deaf Man

Christ - Heals Blind Bartimaeus

Christ - Raises Lazarus from Dead

Christ - Washing Apostles' Feet

Christ - Mary Anoints Jesus

Christ - Triumphal Entry 

Christ - The Last Supper

Christ - Garden of Gethsename 

Christ - Judas Betrays Christ

Christ- Peter Denies Christ

Christ- Death, Burial, and Ressurrection

Christ - Witnesses, Doubting Thomas

Christ - Ascension & Great Commission

History of the Church

Acts - The Day of Pentecost

Acts - Ananias and Sapphira 

Acts- Stephen is Stoned

Acts - Phillip and the Eunuch

Acts - Conversion of Saul/Paul

Acts - Paul's Escape, Lowered by a Basket

Acts - Dorcas

Acts - Peter's Vision Concerning Gentiles

Acts - Cornelius

Acts- Lydia and her Household

Acts - Phillipian Jailor 

Acts - Paul Appeals to Agrippa 

Acts - Paul is Shipwrecked

Steps of Salvation - Hear - Cornelius

Steps of Salavation - Believe - Phillipian Jailor

Steps of Salvation - Repent - Pentecost

Steps of Salvation - Confess - Eunuch

Steps of Salvation - Be Baptized - Saul

The Church - Gods' House, the church

The Church - Jesus is the Architect

The Church - Parts

The Church - Tools 

The Church - Workers Needed

Acts of Worship - Sing, Pray

Acts of Worship - Give, Teach

Acts of Worship - Lord's Supper 

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Armor of God

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