Saturday, July 7, 2012


Obviously been MIA for a while. The last 2 months I had one of those "life learning" experiences. At the first of May, my mother discovered a large cyst inside my neck. Long story short---it turned out to be a benign colloid cyst inside my left thyroid gland. I underwent ultrasounds, CTs, and 2 biopsies to determine the nature of the cyst. I have to tell you when the word "cancer" was first thrown out at me, I was scared. Mainly for my boys. I underwent alot of soul searching, prayer, and pouring over the book of Job. It has been a scary experience, and the outcome will have some side effects, but I feel very blessed and a better person because of it. Last June 28th, I underwent surgery and had the cyst removed. It was rather large, measuring 2 inches wide! The risks outweighed the option of just leaving it alone. So for the next few months, we will just see if I will need thyroid hormone replacement or not. Kind of a waiting and watching game.

So soon, I plan to update and share with you my following projects:

1. the schoolroom - the look, the layout
2. our curriculum and school plan for 2012-2013
3. still working on my "Why we homeschool" story/statement
4. working on a Sunday morning Bible class schedule/curriculum
5. monthly meal plans
6. scrapbooking and shutterfly books

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