Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The 5 Senses

So I see Isaac's football toybox in the floor...

And out pops my little turtle!

Alright, so I wish I could have these deep thought provoking blogs, but I guess its not my style nor my talent. Today I'm gonna share with you what we did for learning the 5 senses last week. I try to be short and sweet with lots of pictures #1. Because I don't have time to do much more than that. #2. If you're looking for ideas, it makes it easier for you to skim through! and #3. Keeping it short and simple on here is good for me so that I can look back and remember. So here ya go!

We used Mr Potato Head throughout the week.
Each day we studied a new sense, and then we added that corresponding body part.
We also used it for review. Isaac put it together as he named the senses
and what we do with them.

We worked on our lapbook each day.
Most of the inserts came from www.homeschoolshare.com.
Some pictures or diagrams that I used were just found under yahoo image search.
We added the front cover pictures on the last day as review.

We had a different verse each day that corresponded to each sense.
These went in the Bible Verse pocket of the lapbook.

TASTE flaps and diagram.
The diagram of the tongue showed the locations of
sour, sweet, salty, and bitter. We looked at each others tongues
to see the bumpy taste buds.

Inside the TASTE flaps were pictures of 4 different items we tasted.
We labeled them sweet, sour, bitter, or salty.
We also gave them a smiley face or a sad face---whether Isaac liked them or not.
Cookies-sweet, lemon-sour, unsweetened cocoa-bitter, and tortilla chips-salty

We read "Quiet Loud." I copied the page in the back of this book that had quiet and loud sounds listed. Isaac pasted the quiet sounds and loud sounds under the appropriate flap. We looked at the diagram and discussed the parts of the ear (on his level of understanding). We also read "The Ear Book."

I had a cd of different animal sounds. We listened to each sound and the boys had to guess what animal was making the sound. They loved this one. They literally went crazy with giggles.

TOUCH was a fun one. I traced Isaac's hand and cut out some
felt, foam craft, and sandpaper all in the shape of his hand
so they could feel the different textures. We also did fingerprinting and read a book
called All About Hands. It focused on the fact that God gave us hands
and the things we can do with them.

I had a mystery bag. I would put a different item in it each time that
they had to feel without looking and guess what it was.
We had a rock, cotton ball, playdoh, and I forget what else...
I should have wrote it down!

F is for fingerprint

Feeling for the letter F.


At first they were all neat and paranoid about getting dirty.

I don't want to mix the colors!

But with two little boys...things don't look this sweet for long.

Ya gotta get dirty.

Isaac said, "Are we artists?" Hard to see in this pic,
but his paperplate is spinning in front of him. It was pizza he said.

They got in trouble at one point (for fighting) and had to go lay down.
Eli was so worn out after fingerpainting that he fell asleep holding his lightsaber.

Isaac pretending to be asleep cause he "never takes a nap."

Sense of SMELL - We had 5 jars with cotton balls and different scents.

He had to guess the scent and rate them. He guessed the peppermint,
but I forgot to tell him not to get his eyes too close for that one.
The peppermint burned his eyes and made them water!

The SMELL pocket held perfume samples from magazines
and then we discussed the diagram of the nose
...the eye diagram was for the next day.

The SEE flap had aluminum foil inside for reflection.
You can also see the Bible Verse pocket here.

We talked about eye doctors and how they check your eyes.
I had Isaac read the eye chart. Then we talked about Braille.
I had this little Braille alphabet card.

We looked at various items under the magnifying glass.

Starfish, seashells, wasp nest, birds nest, animal jaw bone,
we looked at our fingerprints

And got silly

and even more silly

We played a game where I placed several items on a tray. Isaac had to look at it and try to remember the items on the tray. When he wasn't looking, I took one item away.
He had to then look and guess which item I took away.

We went through several "I Spy" books. These were easy level books.
We also played I Spy with colors while eating breakfast in the kitchen that morning.

Summary flap in the lapbook.

3 pictures. He had to glue next to the picture---the senses he would use with each.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

100th day of school

My boys bring me joy :)

E is for elbow---Eli wouldn't make his.
He had to eat the elbow noodles.

We finally made it to our 100th day of school.
We've been almost 2 weeks behind everyone else because
of my surgery and procedures back in August and September.
So here's our 100 pancake to start the day!

Isaac ate it so fast he felt sick and had to go lie down for a bit.

Did you know it took Noah 100 years to build the ark?

Miss Bindergarten's 100th Day of Kindergarten. Isaac enjoyed this book.
When he spotted the 100 segmented worm, he said lets make that! So we did!

He got to the #20 and got tired (like I figured). So I told him to go play
and that I'd cut and number the rest. He would help me put it together.

And he did.


Our 100 worm!

Our 100 lunch! 10 plates of 10.
10  bologna circles, 10 apple slices, 10 goldfish, 10 craizens, 10 club crackers,
10 grapes, 10 peach squares, 10 slices of turkey, 10 pepperonis, 10 slices of cheddar

I grouped the bologna so he could see the groups and easily count 5+5=10

Stringing 100 cheerios!
I had a plastic needle. I have no clue where I got it...
I've had it since I was a little girl in my sewing basket.
It worked perfect for this activity.

100 Cheerio necklace

50 Cheerio necklace...

Again, we did 10 pages of 10 different items.

On the last "10" page, we came up with an addition problem that equaled 10.
 5+5 = his favorite problem.
