Friday, August 26, 2011

Homeschool on hold?

I had surgery this last Tuesday so I guess our routine has been interrupted, but learning is never on hold at this house! There are times when teacher and student need to formally sit down to complete work, but I prefer learning to take place in laid back fun situations. Especially at this age. So although I'm torn that I can't do much with Isaac this week, I know he is still finding ways to learn as long as I model a love of learning!

Eli is learning too! How to help with laundry!

Cube hunt, shape of the day!

Isaac was excited that he found a new cylinder!

Isaac has started using some of the Handwriting without Tears tools that I bought online. I was introduced to this curriculum while student teaching. I'm not crazy about their whole line, but I love their preschool and prewriting activities. I think Isaac loves them too. He is using playdoh here to form his letters properly.

I love the stamp and see activities. He uses the stamps, then the small magnetic pencil. Just another way to get those fingers ready for formal writing.
I didn't get any pictures of it, but today we used the slate. He writes the letter with a small piece of chalk and traces back over the letter with a small wet sponge. Promotes the right grasp he needs for holding a pencil. Being a boy, it isn't coming naturally!
And no preK day would be complete without time to play outside!

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