Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ants Go Marching One by One...

What fun we've been having! Last week Isaac had a playdate, and we went outside and enjoyed some rain! Praise the Lord for answered prayers!

I'm trying to compile a list of sight words that Isaac knows. These are the ones he knew in his flashcard set the other day: go, come, so, say, is, he, you, too, to, of, the, we, my, no, play, and, game, on, what.

Isaac used our letter flashcards to spell his favorite planets with help. He got tired of waiting on me, so he got his books and copied off of the cover.

We also made his favorite, Jupiter, out of playdough.

This morning, Isaac chose pentagon for his shape of the day. At breakfast, he asked to have "a pancake with 5 sides like a pentagon."

I was excited, but wondering how Isaac would do when he asked to do the morning message. So I let him. He doesn't hold his pencil/markers properly. I'm trying to figure out how to encourage proper grasping without frustrating him. Anyway, I felt he did pretty good! He wrote with all the letters jumbled together (totally normal) and he only wrote the sounds he heard or thought to write, but so cool! He separated some of his words successfully. Good first try! He is definitely an emergent writer!

His sentence said: WerGotomabktoDaY
Translation: We are going to make a book today.

By the way, I told him we were going to start his "All About Me" book today. We haven't got to it yet, but I'll share when we've finished!

So today we began our "Ant" unit. I know he likes the planets right now, but we'll have no trouble getting back to them. I'm more prepared for the ant unit anyhow. This unit can be found at

First, we searched for the perfect anthill.
These guys looked pretty busy. We discussed how ants are always busy, hard at work. You never see a lazy ant. When I told him that no one tells them what to do, they just do it, he said, "God tells them what to do." I said, "Well, you're right. God made them to work like this, but he doesn't have to tell them over and over what to do. Should mommy have to tell you?"
 We put our ants in a mason jar to observe. Isaac was concerned that the ants wouldn't like being in the jar. Then he said he wanted to keep them in his
 We watched them start to dig tunnels. I said, "Do you know that God talks about ants in the Bible? He wants us to not be lazy, but be hard workers like ants!"
We then discussed Proverbs 6:6. I had these little ant cards cut out with each word in the verse put on the back of a card. He matched the word cards to the verse/sentence on paper. While he worked on this, I was bathing Eli. Eli had a little too much fun in the dirt! haha

We then proceeded upstairs to the playroom. Isaac wanted to use his magnetic letters to spell words. We spelled ant, hut, gut, cut, can, man, ban, mommy, and daddy. At this point Isaac threw a fit and got a spanking because he didn't want to help pick up all the magnetic letters. Don't think homeschooling is all fun and games! He certainly wasn't remembering to be the ant---not to be lazy and do his part!

So I made him go lay on the couch and look at our ant book, "Are You An Ant?" while I put Eli down for a nap. I figured this would give him time to cool off and have some quiet time while I read to Eli and layed him down.

When I came out of Eli's room, we read the story together and played our Ant Game. Each ant card had either the letter a, n, or t on the back. We took turns flipping them over. First one to spell ant, won. Had to remind him of left-right directions again.

More to come!

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