Monday, November 21, 2011

The Internet: A Wonderful Homeschooling Resource with the Potential to Drive You Crazy

I sometimes find myself surfing and surfing and surfing some more for homeschooling resources. Endless printables, endless blogs, and endless amount of ideas. Almost to the point it drives you crazy. You might think, how can I ever incorporate all this stuff I love? Or you come across this perfect homeschooling website and think "How on EARTH does SHE do it all?" I then have to remind myself that those perfect little homeschooling moms aren't perfect. In general, you only see the best of their best. I still can't help but feel like I can't find time to do all the things I want to do with the kids. Overwhelmed to the point that I often sit there...thinking....instead of doing! So on days I feel like procrastinating all those cool ideas because I'm overwhelmed....I gotta play...

And you can find us building tents!


Ain't nothin more fun!

Except maybe a picnic in the woods behind our house on a beautiful day!

Or a walk on the Rennaker trails. All indoor learning ceases when it is beautiful outside.

So sometimes I actually have the time to reacreate some of the ideas I see online....

Pom poms in an egg carton...counting, sorting, transferring.

Poking straws into tiny holes...fine motor skills....

Major entertainment.

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