Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Colors and Words

Isaac was watching  a Blues Clue's cartoon about colors and said he wanted to try it. Who said TV was all bad? ;) So we got into my paints and started mixing colors to see what would happen. He got a kick out of it. 

Isaac helped me label items around his room. We talked about the letter sounds, what sound each word started with, how the letters worked together to make words etc.  Even little Eli has started pointing and babbling about our ABC strip around the room.

Yesterday was a productive day. We did another Bible lesson on Joseph. The lessons are certainly great for his spirituality, but he gets exposed to cause/effect, sequence, emotions, predictions, to name a few. He learns new words by using the timeline. It is just great!

I know not everyday will be as productive as yesterday. Somedays we seem to be having "lessons" all day. Somedays he and Eli just play all day. But that is preschool to me. :) I feel so blessed to live in the state of Oklahoma because if I choose to continue in this endeavor, there are no regulations on my homeschooling. I just fear that freedom could change someday.

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