Both Isaac and Eli love this USA puzzle. Each piece is a state.
Great way to learn a little about the states and have fun doing it.
Another Confessions of a idea.
Poking the lines of the letters with a tack/toothpick,
then shining light through the paper with a flashlight
to see the light come through the holes and light up the letter.
I remember teachers using these in classrooms to make their children
whisper while they read. Theirs were made out of PVC pipe.
I just bought the real thing. Pretty cool. You can hear yourself read. Fun for the kids.
BTW- Isaac is reading Dick & Jane here. Controversial but I like Dick & Jane.
It gives kids confidence, opportunity to practice some fluency, and learn some sight words. Obviously, you have to still have a phonics program, duh, people!
Confessions---using magnetic letters to spell out the number words with her printables.
Domino Parking Lot - Love this! I set out dominoes that add up to 12.
Isaac has to figure out which number parking spot they go in.
Helps him see groups when adding. Just plain fun.
Leah was home one day, so she joined us. Our Bible Study Guide lesson that morning was about the descendents of Adam all the way to Noah. So we made our own family trees.
Isaac chose to put all kinds of fruit on his.
Eli just wanted a banana tree.
I finally started turning the storage room into a schoolroom. We have two unfinished and partially finished attic spaces. Half of this room is still full of rubbermaids and baby supplies. The other half is all things pertaining to school. I had to find a place where I could leave my stuff out of sight. I was tired of seeing it in my bedroom at night! This room is right off of the playroom, so it works great. When Eli gets bored, he just walks right out, but I still can have an ear/eye on him. The dream is to have the other attic space finished for storage and this all schoolroom, carpeted and painted!
Coloring our letter B's.
Putting down glue dots for the beans!
Don't know why Eli looks so forlorn here! lol...just love the pic!
Workin on placing his beans on the glue. Concentration!
Beans beans the musical fruit...
Confessions printables--tracing B.
Fraction tiles! These are great intro to fractions even to the little ones.
Sorting...How many different ways can you make 1?
If the tile says 1/6 how many of those tiles will you need to make 1?
Unifix cubes! They love building towers, making patterns...
taking apart and putting back together.
Proud of his work. :)
Making letters with Playdoh
Confessions Upper-Lowercase/color match.
I got this out for Eli but Isaac wanted to do it.
Lots of puzzles!
Math U See. Isaac has been working through the primer. The first half of the book was really too easy. Last half has more challenge, but I'm still not too sure about what we'll do next year. Would like to see the Alpha book in person.
Painting letters.
I wrote the letter in pencil, he had to go back over them with the proper strokes.
B is for Butterfly. Tissue butterflies! Got this off of Confessions AGAIN!
Just love that woman!
Eli's work.
They were supposed to put glue around their butterfly and wad up the tissue paper on it.
I thought Isaac did great. Good for motor skills, creativity. He liked it!